According to all classical definitions of civil society, a non-governmental organization is one that is created by citizens themselves to promote or protect their common collective interest, independent of the state.

A non-governmental organization is an independent association of citizens that can help a community and communities of any size to better organize, finance, educate themselves spiritually and culturally, etc. That is, to act in harmony with good communities.

However, an NGO can start criticizing or even opposing a community, for example, against corruption in local government or a united territorial community. Now I’ll say something even more terrible: a non-governmental organization is also an independent organization of citizens who are freely and dignifiedly able to question and fight against unworthy community organization of any quantitative power, even if it is the silent majority of citizens who obey the government, which is fed up with them.

That is, the essence and meaning of a public organization is that it is an association of citizens. And not because it is funded by the community, which would be nice. In other words, a civic organization is not a civic organization because it should be funded by the community.

However, the view of a civic organization from a professional financial point of view, although unprofessional in terms of understanding social rather than monetary relations, is popular and therefore important.

It is popular especially among those political organizations, not civic, but political, that are opposed to civic activity. For example, the ideas of an open society, the struggle for civil liberties, and the development of civic engagement and activism in general.